Konica Minolta brings print buyers and printers together at Propak India 2019

Konica Minolta India team at Propak India 2019
Konica Minolta Bharat team at Propak India 2019

During numerous exhibitions in the recent past, Konica Minolta India has attempted to bring print together buyers and printers using its engineering. The company has adopted a unique strategy of promoting samples produced past its customers instead of showcasing its own printing solutions. At Propak India 2019, held in Mumbai from 22 to 24 October, the company once again exhibited samples produced by its customers who utilise the MGI Jetvarnish impress embellishment technology, KM1 B2 press and its roll-to-roll label printing solutions.

"There are certain exhibitions throughout the yr where nosotros only show samples produced by our customers instead of our machines. By doing this we requite a helping manus to our customers and then that they tin can farther develop their concern. Our involvement does not end with our customers later on we have sold them the hardware. Information technology goes beyond that," says Vijay Kamat, product director IP – PP & IP marketing, Konica Minolta Business Solutions India.

Co-ordinate to Kamat, at exhibitions like Propak, the company gets to run into the brand owners directly, which helps in developing the market for its customers. "For a lot of our customers, digital press is new. Therefore, market evolution in this segment is different from what they have been doing traditionally," he says.

One of the highlights at the Konica Minolta stand was a sample of a pic on which digital embellishment and foiling had been washed using the MGI Jetvarnish applied science. Kamat says that no other company has this type of engineering science other than Konica Minolta. The sample displayed at the stand was produced at Konica Minolta's sit-in center in Japan.

When asked if the strategy of promoting its customer samples at exhibitions has worked, Kamat says that the response has been overwhelming.

"We are very happy with this approach as we have got tremendous response from impress buyers. Nosotros will go along with this strategy in the coming hereafter also. In fact, we will testify just samples in at least viii-9 exhibitions in a year," he says.

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Source: https://packagingsouthasia.com/events/konica-minolta-brings-print-buyers-and-printers-together-at-propak-india-2019-2/

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